Welcome to The Spine Guy - 6 Week Posture Fitness Course

I’m Jeff BenMayor, Chiropractor, Posture Expert, and founder of a world class Postural Fitness Program. I have been a Chiropractor for over 20 years and I specialise in Posture Correction and the prevention of back pain.

Click HERE to Sign up to the course - or continue reading to learn more.

Due to modern lifestyles, we now regularly use smart phones, tablets or work from laptops. The fact that we all do these activities using the front of our body and generally looking down, we are now seeing more people with forward head posture and slumped postural hyperkyphosis (humped back) even in KIDS!

I have designed a'6 Week Posture Fitness Course' to help in the prevention of another pandemic, of people with Poor Posture, Tech Neck (forward head posture) and humped backs! The Course includes exercises I have found worked the best for my patients and I want to share them with you

The aim of The Spine Guy 6 Week Posture Fitness Course, is to improve your Postural Fitness which helps your body stay upright for longer against the forces of gravity. 

When you have a fit posture you will Look Better, Feel Better & Move Better.

Click the "learn more" button below find out more and to get started,

Available Courses

6 Week Postural Fitness Course

The 6-Week Posture Fitness Course is designed to get your Posture FITTER by providing specific, twice daily exercises that are designed to build over the course of a 6 weeks. The exercises counteract the fact we use the front of our body for everything we do, by strengthening the muscles in your back, strengthening your core, and stretching the muscles at the front of your body.

By the end of the 6 weeks you will not only have a FITTER posture  but you will also look better, feel better & move better.

TRIAL Week 1 ONLY Postural Fitness Course

The 6-Week Posture Fitness Course is designed to get your Posture FITTER by providing specific, twice daily exercises that are designed to build over the course of a 6 weeks. The exercises counteract the fact we use the front of our body for everything we do, by strengthening the muscles in your back, strengthening your core, and stretching the muscles at the front of your body.

By the end of the 6 weeks you will not only have a FITTER posture  but you will also look better, feel better & move better.

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